Melodic Approaches

Services Offered

Individual Music Therapy:

One-to-one sessions with the Music Therapist that are goal oriented in nature. These sessions are based on the needs of the client and are structured to help the individual reach various objectives. They can be 30 minutes in length, up to an hour. There is also a 15-minute consultation included. Before sessions can begin with the client, an assessment will take place to determine strengths and weaknesses. This will help to determine targeted goals for the client. See Assessment fee below as this is a part of the placement process.

Group Music Therapy:

These are sessions for small groups (3-5 people) from school-aged to adults work towards goals such as socialization, cognitive functioning, fine and gross motor movement, creativity, relaxation and emotional expression. These can be held in the families home, group homes, sheltered workshops, or school classrooms. They can run either 30, 45 or 60 minutes depending on the needs of the group.

Sessions Within A Facility:

These are group sessions held at a facility typically for older adults with developmental disabilities, Alzheimer’s and Dementia. These groups focus on music and relaxation, pain management, spiritual wellness, reminiscing, and socialization. They be also be used for staff support and self-care.

Adaptive Music Lessons:

These are sessions for individuals or small groups that need extra attention when learning to play the piano or guitar. The Music Therapist can provide unique tools to help clients read music and play an instrument. Instruments currently being offered: Piano, Guitar, and Voice Lessons. Price includes sheet music, does not include instrument.

Music Therapy Consultation:

For families, caretakers, teachers, or other professionals who would like recommendations from a music therapist regarding how to maximize treatment using music within the home, facility, or school.

Also available for...

•Workshops for Parents, Teachers, School Districts, or Nursing Homes

•In-services about Music Therapy

•Presenting at conferences

For Pricing Information Please contact me at

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