Melodic Approaches

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Music and Literacy

Reading to children has proven to be essential for speech and language development. However, have you ever thought about singing a book to your child? Singing, is a natural activity for children and provides opportunities for them to build language fluency which can transfer to other aspects of their lives. Songs, like predictable books, help children link oral language to the written language through rhyme, rhythm and repetition. When songs become quickly memorized the music can be used as a structural prompt to reinforce the relationship between the songs text and the words in print. Over time, I will be sharing several of my favorite books to sing to my students on this blog. Some of the books will be songs that have been turned into books and books that can easily be turned into songs. Some of my favorite books to use in the Springtime are as follows:

What a Wonderful World -- Weiss and Thiele

Little White Duck - Whippo-Zaritzky-Paley

Ten Little Ladybugs - - Melanie Gerth

Easter Parade - Irving Berlin

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